Main current topic:
My other papers on cryptographic attacks, with various coauthors,
listed by year of publication of first version:
- Report on evaluation of KpqC Round-2 candidates (2024). #decoding #lattices #sidechannel #vs-impl
- KyberSlash: Exploiting secret-dependent division timings in Kyber implementations (2024). #lattices #vs-impl
- Asymptotics for the standard block size in primal lattice attacks: second order, formally verified (2024). #lattices
- Asymptotics of hybrid primal lattice attacks (2023). #lattices
- CryptAttackTester: high-assurance attack analysis (2023). #decoding #metrics #symmetric
- Multi-ciphertext security degradation for lattices (2022). #lattices
- A one-time single-bit fault leaks all previous NTRU-HRSS session keys to a chosen-ciphertext attack (2022). #fault #lattices #vs-impl
- FO derandomization sometimes damages security (2021). #lattices
- Observations on COMET (2020). #symmetric
- Concrete quantum cryptanalysis of binary elliptic curves (2020). #discretelogs #quantum
- A discretization attack (2020). #ecosystem #lattices
- Quantum circuits for the CSIDH: optimizing quantum evaluation of isogenies (2018). #isogenies #quantum
- HILA5 Pindakaas: On the CCA security of lattice-based encryption with error correction (2017). #lattices
- Asymptotically faster quantum algorithms to solve multivariate quadratic equations (2017). #multivariate #quantum
- Low-communication parallel quantum multi-target preimage search (2017). #metrics #quantum #symmetric
- Sliding right into disaster: Left-to-right sliding windows leak (2017). #sidechannel #vs-impl
- Short generators without quantum computers: the case of multiquadratics (2017). #lattices
- A low-resource quantum factoring algorithm (2017). #factorization #quantum
- Faster elliptic-curve discrete logarithms on FPGAs (2016). #discretelogs
- Dual EC: a standardized back door (2015). #ecosystem #symmetric
- Tighter, faster, simpler side-channel security evaluations beyond computing power (2015). #sidechannel #vs-impl
- Bad directions in cryptographic hash functions (2015). #symmetric
- Batch NFS (2014). #factorization #metrics
- How to manipulate curve standards: a white paper for the black hat (2014). #ecosystem
- On the practical exploitability of Dual EC in TLS implementations (2014). #symmetric
- Factoring RSA keys from certified smart cards: Coppersmith in the wild (2013). #vs-impl
- On the security of RC4 in TLS and WPA (2013). #symmetric
- Quantum algorithms for the subset-sum problem (2013). #lattices #quantum
- Computing small discrete logarithms faster (2012). #discretelogs #metrics
- Never trust a bunny (2012). #lattices
- Non-uniform cracks in the concrete: the power of free precomputation (2012). #discretelogs #factorization #metrics #symmetric
- Two grumpy giants and a baby (2012). #discretelogs
- ECC2K-130 on NVIDIA GPUs (2012). #discretelogs
- Faster 2-regular information-set decoding (2011). #decoding
- On the correct use of the negation map in the Pollard rho method (2011). #discretelogs
- Smaller decoding exponents: ball-collision decoding (2010). #decoding
- Quantum attacks against Blue Midnight Wish, ECHO, Fugue, Grøstl, Hamsi, JH, Keccak, Shabal, SHAvite-3, SIMD, and Skein (2010). #quantum #symmetric
- Starfish on strike (2010). #factorization
- Type-II optimal polynomial bases (2010). #discretelogs
- Grover vs. McEliece (2009). #decoding #quantum
- Breaking ECC2K-130 (2009). #discretelogs
- The Certicom challenges ECC2-X (2009). #discretelogs
- The billion-mulmod-per-second PC (2009). #factorization
- FSBday: implementing Wagner's generalized birthday attack against the SHA-3 round-1 candidate FSB (2009). #symmetric
- Cost analysis of hash collisions: Will quantum computers make SHARCS obsolete? (2009). #metrics #quantum
- Explicit bounds for generic decoding algorithms for code-based cryptography (2009). #decoding
- ECM on graphics cards (2008). #factorization
- Attacking and defending the McEliece cryptosystem (2008). #decoding
- ECM using Edwards curves (2008). #factorization
- Better price-performance ratios for generalized birthday attacks (2007). #metrics #symmetric
- What output size resists collisions in a xor of independent expansions? (2007). #symmetric
- Analysis of QUAD (2007). #multivariate #symmetric
- Does ZK-Crypt version 1 flunk a repetition test? (2006). #symmetric
- Understanding brute force (2005). #metrics #symmetric
- Cache-timing attacks on AES (2004). #sidechannel #symmetric #vs-impl
- Faster factorization into coprimes (2004). #factorization
- How to find smooth parts of integers (2004). #factorization
- Circuits for integer factorization: a proposal (2001). #factorization #metrics
- How to find small factors of integers (2000). #factorization
- Factoring into coprimes in essentially linear time (1996). #factorization
- The multiple-lattice number field sieve (1995). #factorization
- A general number field sieve implementation (1993). #factorization